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Toyota Prius force engine to run - maintenance mode keep engine running

Published • 2021-02-27 22:52:48 • 0 Comments

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 Toyota Prirus to make the engine run enter maintenance mode when for example you have changed the waterpump and you wish to make the engine run and get up to tempreture follow the steps below

  1. Ensure the car is in park
  2. Turn vehicle to accessory mode, Ready-off. On 2001-2003 prii this is two clicks forward on the key, on 2004+ this is pressing the start button twice with your foot off the brake pedal. The display will not show ready but will otherwise be illuminated.
  3. Depress the accelerator 2 times fully
  4. Put the car in neutral.
  5. Depress the accelerator a further 2 times fully.
  6. Put the car back in park.
  7. Depress the accelerator a further 2 times further.
  8. The engine should run continually until you cycle the ignition.

The car should keep running until you turn it off - note you shouldent drive the car whilst in this mode as i could cause traction control or inverter problems.

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